Health and Fitness are words that get thrown around with little actual significance. In this......

The landscape has changed. Fitness is no longer limited to those seeking “abs” and “glutes.” The concept of fitness need enter the entirety of our population. At first I set out to write a new fitness book revealing the intricacies of prevention and cure, but I see the slew of “new books” further confusing our population. I opted to do something different. I chose to dole out the information not in a book that in all likelihood would wind up on cluttered book shelves, but rather in small dosages. I opted to break this vital information into Seven Installments and deliver them as letters. The information is delivered in a strategic order. Each letter serves as a prequel to the next. The topics impact everyone, so resist the urge to jump to whichever you feel is most compelling. A letter a day might be a very good technique for making this a life-altering week.
Health and Fitness are words that get thrown around with little actual significance. In this......
Amazingly, most people fail to ever realize the control they have over their own bodies,......
Delectable, Delicious, and Destructive. Sugar in 21st century food is not the same compound grandma......
250 exercise machines??!? Find out why the modern day gym houses exercise machines that are......
Recovery is the missing element that prevents many active people from finding the health and......
Eating. It's a tired topic. This letter, however, takes everything you've heard, everything you've tried......
This is the most controversial piece I've ever written, and it's received more acclaim than......
He’s been called The Father of Personal Training, The Master of Body Transformation and America’s Most In-Demand Fitness Professional. But what truly defines Phil Kaplan is his undying defense of the Fitness Truth, unwavering support of Personal Trainers, and undeniable passion for helping people improve their lives.