Category: Seven Letters

23rd March, 2024

Letter #7 – The Walking Dead

This is the most controversial piece I've ever written, and it's received more acclaim than all of the other letters combined. In it I reveal some shocking truths about medicine, about our population's health, and about the pitiful mental and physical decline so many will experience if they fail to...

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23rd March, 2024

Letter #6 – What Should I Eat?

Eating. It's a tired topic. This letter, however, takes everything you've heard, everything you've tried to figure out, everything that's been confusing you, and makes it simple. After reading this letter, eating will again become fun, and rewarding. Supplements, meal preparation, metabolism, diet . . . it's all in here!...

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23rd March, 2024

Letter #5 – Are You Recovering?

Recovery is the missing element that prevents many active people from finding the health and physique payoff they've all but written off. Find out why exercise, without adequate recuperation, may negatively impact immune function and overall health. Master the simple nutritional strategies that ensure optimal benefit from exercise. [elfsight_pdf_embed id="8"]

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23rd March, 2024

Letter #4 – Who Needs Machines?

250 exercise machines??!? Find out why the modern day gym houses exercise machines that are unnecessary and in some cases, may do more harm than good. One of the more common mistakes gym goers make is excessive volume. Once you understand the reason for overkill, you'll come to learn the...

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23rd March, 2024

Letter #3 – Sugar?!?!

Delectable, Delicious, and Destructive. Sugar in 21st century food is not the same compound grandma used to bake cookies. Today's sugar realities are not so sweet, as they are driving obesity rates, diabetes incidence, and heart disease to alarming levels. Find out what the smoothie you're drinking is doing to...

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23rd March, 2024

Letter #2 – Control & Belief

Amazingly, most people fail to ever realize the control they have over their own bodies, and with mastery of mindset, fitness becomes simple.More often than not, the challenge lies in gaining clarity. Should we cut calories to lose weight? Are carbs really the enemy? Is aerobic exercise the key to...

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23rd March, 2024

Letter #1 – Fit and Healthy

Health and Fitness are words that get thrown around with little actual significance. In this first of Seven Letters, you'll come to understand how, when we look beyond the term, the essence of health and fitness is in direct correlation with the quality of the life you lead, the joy...

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He’s been called The Father of Personal Training, The Master of Body Transformation and America’s Most In-Demand Fitness Professional. But what truly defines Phil Kaplan is his undying defense of the Fitness Truth, unwavering support of Personal Trainers, and undeniable passion for helping people improve their lives.

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